Saturday, July 18, 2015

8 Detox Water Recipes to Flush Your Liver

Drinking water all by itself is a way to help flush the body of toxins on a daily basis, but with a few simple ingredients you can transform water into detox water and get even more benefit from it. This is something you can do each day, or as part of a more broad detoxing strategy. Each one of the ingredients listed here will provide slightly different benefits, so be sure to choose it according to the particular goal you have.

This is also referred to as the Zero Calorie detox water because it contains nearly zero calories. There are calories from the apple, but they’re pretty negligible. You’re probably used to seeing the zero on a bottle of water when it comes all the categories on the Nutrition Information label, like calories, fat, and sodium, and this would clock in pretty close. The cinnamon it contains is going to help stimulate your internal organs to cleanse themselves, while the apple is providing you with its all natural source of vitamins and minerals. Way better than just drinking regular water and a helpful boost to any detox program
Cucumbers are one of the most hydrating vegetables because they’re mostly made up of water. Many detox programs include cucumbers on them for this very reason, and adding them to your water pulls out their minerals so you’re getting an added benefit. Mix in the lemon juice and you’re getting the cleansing effect of citric acid and helping to clear out the digestive system. The mint makes things taste fresh and crisp, and goes nicely with the lemon and cucumber while providing additional nutrients and benefits.
You are probably familiar with Jillian Michaels if you’ve ever seen an episode of The Biggest Loser. She also promotes her own line of workout programs and diet books. Here she’s endorsed a particular detox water recipe that uses cranberry juice, lemon juice, and dandelion tea all mixed together with a lot of water. The end result is that it’s also supposed to also help you lose weight. This can really be said for anything that has a detoxifying effect, since getting back to our more natural and clean state will have the byproduct of weight loss if we’ve moved toward a heavier state.
Strawberries are a great way to add a familiar and preferred flavor to most anything, and in this case it can make your water taste better while also providing antioxidants and added vitamins and minerals to your body. This particular recipe includes watermelon and rosemary as well. This makes it a great detox recipe to use in the summer when it’s easier to build up a sweat, and it’s only natural to have the taste of strawberries and watermelon. It will help to make your detoxing efforts more enjoyable and seem like less of a chore.
The simple, the better right? Let’s keep things simple and go with this quick way to make your water more healthy for you. This would be used as part of a plan to detox the body a little bit each day. It’s recommending that you take the juice from half a lemon and squeeze it into the water you drink when first waking up. This is a time when you’re most dehydrated and making sure that you get rehydrated on the double is vital. The lemon juice helps to get your digestive system going and prepares it for its daily duties to come.
Apple cider vinegar is a handy detoxing aid and it’s good to keep a bottle of it in the cupboard. You can instantly improve the quality of a glass of water by adding a bit of ACV to it, but in this case they’re showing you how to make a detoxifying drink from it. They’re also including lemons, cucumbers, and mint, a popular combination you’ve seen elsewhere on our list, but the use of apple cider vinegar gives it additional properties and benefits that you won’t want to miss, and that will only amplify the detoxing process.
The most important part of the Master Cleanse is where you stop eating regular foods and rely only on a concoction made of organic lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. This is supposed to spur the body into detox mode, with the lack of food helping to give the digestive system a break and make sure that you’re entirely cleared out. We’ve gone into detail about what you need to do in order to complete the Master Cleanse, so if you do decide on it be sure to check our guide for the best chance of success.
This is a great detox water for weight loss, and is specifically geared at getting certain fruits into your body that you otherwise might not eat. They’re using grapefruit here, one of the quintessential weight loss foods that seems to always get brought up when asked which foods help to lose the most weight. Grapefruit also is a fantastic detoxing food, which is often overlooked. They use tangerines for more citrus and sweetness, and cucumbers for added minerals.

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